I wrote this a few years ago, maybe check out my current series in The Revelation of Jesus Christ on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/live/5rsaKFUkviA?si=DMU4ZlDQQ8YWempM

Caught Up

He is not a “thief”,

Who steals away what he already owns;

He is but an owner,

A warrior to rescue,

taking his goods back home;

And so, comes Christ,

One day like a thief,

when we do not know;

To Restore his blood-bought saints,

Who are not forgotten or alone;

He will take us to a place,

Meticulously prepared;

So that forever

and a day,

We may dwell with him there

So be ready this day, this moment,

To hear the blest Trumpet Sound;

Then as we look up, then look down

Caught Up in Him…

We are Found!

James Goforth 2019