Philippians 3:10 is my focus today. As Paul says, My Goal is to know him (Christ)
But he begins this meaningful passage in v4 saying, “Although I have reason for confidence in the flesh”… If it’s about “what I can do”, Paul says, “been there done that.” pepoithesis = trust confidence, boldness – “I’ve got full confidence in the physical I’ve done… And he lists his “accomplishments”… Circumcised, Benjamite, Hebrew, Pharisee, Zealous (to the point of persecuting the church), and Blameless (according to the Law).
You only became a Pharisee by strict adherence of The Law, not just in belief, but in application and practice. It was about perceived purity and separation. That’s what the word pharisee meant, “separated ones”. They studied the Torah, the Oral Tradition, and they lived in purity. Jesus points out that they even tithed on their spices. They taught in and engaged with their community.
And YET – v7 “but everything that was a gain to me, I have considered to be a loss because of Christ.”
To know Christ, we have to lay down our “competency” – our personal goodness and competencies often keep us from God’s goodness and greatness.
Paul says, “I consider all of my accomplishments (v8) as skybalon = refuse, garbage, dung heap“ WOW
Why? So I may be found, understood, as having zero righteousness of my own, but one of Faith in Christ. (v9)
And then we get to v10 as he develops this thought I want to know Christ… My Goal is to Know Him
Oh Yeah? We have all said that, “I want to know Jesus.” But it’s not a simple calls we take, a book we read, a prayer we say… and then NOW I KNOW Jesus.
Paul says he wants to know him, and then identifies the keys to that end
- In The Power of the Resurrection – Ok, yes we all want the Power Right? And by the way, Resurrection Power is a WHO, not a what. 1 Peter 3:18 says Jesus was put to death in the flesh, but made alive BY the Spirit. And Ephesians 1:18-20 talks about the Immeasurable Greatness of His Power that was Exercised in raising Christ from the dead… and the Good News is that this power is For Us / Toward Us WHO Believe. I want the power of the resurrection. And that power, in the Person of the Holy Spirit comes to LIVE IN me. Ephesians 1:13-14 when you heard the truth, the gospel of your salvation… when you believed… you received the Holy Spirit. The Power is IN us, Available To Us… But we really don’t experience Resurrection Power without…
- Fellowship of His Sufferings – Lots of folks want healing without sickness, power without pain, strength without suffering – But Resurrection Power comes IN Suffering… and
- Being Conformed to His Death – I’m mindful of the Albert King Blues song, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die” … To Know the Power of the Resurrection we need to die, be conformed to his death… What is significant about that? Paul says in Philippians 2 that Jesus laid aside his personal glory, he took the nature of a servant. We know he surrendered to God’s will not his own. Jesus said, if anyone would come after me, deny self, take up their cross and follow me. –
Well – I could preach now, but this is just a devotion – Look at vv 12-14 to finish…
I haven’t already reached the goal… been perfect – BUT… see we can’t just say, “Oh well I’m not perfect…” Paul says… But I make every effort to take hold of it…
I need to do everything in my power to move toward the Goal of Knowing Christ by Experience through suffering, through dying to self… Why? Because That’s why Jesus “took Hold of Me.”
Then he says in v13 again, I do not consider myself to have taken hold of it… but ONE thing I Do…
Now, I’m a golfer. And at times I am and have been a pretty good one. Yet golf is funny because you can shoot your best round, even under par… and still know you missed a lot. But I keep pressing.
On my golf balls I write “3:13-14”. You see, I’m not there yet, and I make mistakes, and sometimes my failures hold me down for a little while So I remind myself what Paul says here…
- Forgetting what is behind – good or bad, forget it, learn from it, be encouraged by it, but forget about it…
- Reaching Forward to what is ahead – Press ON – I can’t move on if I’m holding on to the past.
- I Pursue the Prize Promised – even though we seek to live right, do right, that’s still not the prize promised. Nothing on this earth is my goal – JESUS is my Goal, and His Presence is my goal, so until I see his Face… I keep moving
To See His Face – that is to Fully Know Jesus – Jesus was moving forward to Please the Father and hear him say, “well done”.
I want to Know Christ – and hear him say “well done”